Khoa Học - Công Nghệ

FPT Edu Research Festival 2024 embarks on its 2024 journey, themed “Experience: Dare to Succeed”


FPT Edu Research Festival 2024 (FPT Edu ResFes 2024) is a platform that provides students with opportunities to pursue their academic research desires. “Experience: Dare to Succeed” - is chosen to be the main theme of this year’s contest. The total prize money of FPT Edu ResFes 2024 grows up to 450 million dong.

Registration is collected via this LINK. Registration and Proposal submission will be officially closed on April 21, 2024.

Research teams and members who would like to join this contest must follow the Regulations of FPT Edu ResFes 2024 described as follows:  
1. Contestants 
Students from all unit members of FPT Education (hereinafter referred as to FPT Edu) in Vietnam. 
Students from other Vietnam-based universities and international partner schools (via FPT Edu’s invitation letters). 
2. Contest format 

2.1. Research fields: 05 specialized sub-committees are set up according to 05 departments as follows: 

  • Information Technology: Automotive Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, Information System, and Information Assurance; 
  • Digital Arts and Design: Digital Arts and Design; 
  • Multimedia Communications: Multimedia Communications Management, and Digital Marketing; 
  • Business Administration: Digital Marketing, International Business, Hospitality Management, Tourism and Travel Service Management, Logistics Management, Global Supply Chain Management, and Finance; 
  • Linguistics: English, Japanese, and Korean.

2.2. Contest rules and regulations:

  • Each team has no more than 03 members (individual performance is also accepted);
  • Team members might be from the same or different disciplines/departments;
  • Each member can only register for a maximum of 02 research teams in 02 sub-committees;
  • One research topic can be registered for one sub-committee only. The similarity and eligibility of each submission will be checked by the Board of Reviewers;
  • Language used: English (for both oral and written presentations);
  • Submitted papers must be presented in accordance with FPT Edu ResFes 2024’s mandatory format. Teams that do not follow the requirements will be disqualified for participation;
    Presentation slides: Free-style. 

2.3. Procedures: 02 Rounds: 

Round 1: Preliminary Round – individually organized at regional campuses of FPT Edu in online mode. To participate in the Contest, please fill out this form and submit it via this link.This registration link is only open for non-FPT Edu research teams. 
At the Preliminary Round, each team must submit their Proposal on the Registration link above. For Proposal Template, please access via Proposal template.

Presentation time slot: 20 minutes/team (10-min presentation & 10-min Q&A) 

Round 2: The Finale takes place at FPT Education, Hanoi Campus, Hanoi, Vietnam. Teams going through to the Finale must prepare their full papers, presentation slides (mandatory) and other forms of visual aids if any.
Presentation time slot: 30 minutes/team (10-min presentation & 20-min Q&A)

* Number of research teams chosen for The Finale:

FPT Edu teams Number of teams per sub-committee
Hanoi Campus Max 04 teams 
Da Nang Campus Max 03 teams
Quy Nhon Campus Max 02 teams
Can Tho Campus Max 04 teams
Ho Chi Minh City Campus Max 04 teams
Non-FPT Edu teams Max 01 teams

3. Workshops

Workshops provide students with guidelines on how to design research papers, develop research methods and conduct their research papers approaching international standards.
Workshops will be held in virtual method in April and July, 2024. The official agenda will be updated soon via our fanpage or email. 

4. Awards: Awards are allocated for each sub-committee as follows:
The Champion: 20 million VND 
The First Runner up: 15 million VND 
The Second Runner up: 10 million VND 
The Consolation Prize: 3 million VND

5. Important Milestones 

Registration and Proposal submission

March 11 – April 21

Preliminary round’s Workshops April 08 – April 15
Preliminary round May 11 & 12
Preliminary round results May 15 
The Finale’s Workshop July 22
Full paper submission July 28
The Finale  August 17 & 18

6. Guidelines on Turnitin check
Turnitin is a specific software used to detect any forms of plagiarism in students’ papers to guarantee eligibility for the contest. Turnitin similarity must not exceed 25%. 

7. Financial support funded by The Organizing Committee, allocated for:

a) FPT Edu research teams:
Travel expenses cover traveling expenditure (flight tickets, coach buses) from/to FPT Education, Hanoi Campus, meals, accommodation within 02 days of The Finale for all team members (only applies for FPT Edu’s students).
Financial support is granted for 01 mentor only, whose team is chosen for The Finale. In any case of changing mentor, research team must send an official confirmation email to the Organizing Committee before July 28, 2024.  
Financial support for mentor is only applied if mentor meets all following criteria:

  • 01 lead supervisor/mentor;
  • Mentor must be full-time lecturer/teacher working at one affiliation under FPT Education;
  • Mentor must not be a member of the Technical Committee of ResFes 2024;
  • 01 lecturer/teacher can mentor more than 01 research team. 

b) Non-FPT Edu research teams:

Travel expenses cover local traveling expenditure from/to FPT Education, Hanoi Campus, meals, accommodation within 02 days of The Finale for all team members.

8. Contact us 
Email address:
Phone number: (+84)246.654.9806
Fanpage: FPT Edu Research Festival - ResFes
